Categoriesbrain health

Inspirational Articles -2 Forest and the Trees

The Brain is a complex, intricate, and dynamic organ, and  optimal brain function  requires optimizing a series of chemical and electoral signaling that is conducted in a balanced way. Neurotransmitter pathways with both Neurotransmitter (Keys) and corresponding Neurotransmitter receptors (Locks) are needed for brain function to occur. The brain’s neuroplasticity, or  ability to make more neuron connections declines as we age; however, when applying the fundamental principles of brain function in the development of our products, the prospect of healthy ageing was developed for a better YOU.   

 Brain Health Products:

 Brain Health AM; Active and Awake  provides nutrients that support the brain’s neurotransmitters and supporting cofactors which  allows for better brain performance such as improved memory,  concentration, and the facilitation of learning. These nutrients are  provided in an easy to apply cream to the back of the neck each morning.

Brain Health PM: Rest, Repair and Sleep helps calm the brain in order for waste products to be removed while the brain is allowed to rest, repair and replenish energy. Master antioxidants can buffer oxidative stress and mitigate inflammation to facilitate proper neuron signaling for proper brain function. These antioxidants are provided in an easy to apply cream to the back of the neck each evening before bed

A client’s testimonial provided comments on the ease of application of these two products, as well as a noticed improvement in  memory and concentration.

When used regularly, Brain Health AM and PM products provide an easy-to-use method supportive of brain health to improve quality of life and longevity and help prevent cognitive decline. The balanced Brain Heath products created by MedBalance Labs are not known or available in any  other products. Better Solutions, Science and World. For further reading and more detailed information on the brain, look for  Forest and the Trees soon to be released to the public on  This provides   a detailed analyses of Brain and Body interaction that reflects both a FOREST (big picture) and TREES (detailed) description of the brain focusing on MOOD, MEMORY and MOVEMENT.