MedBalance Labs

MedBalance Publishing Company

Knowledge about how the Brain and Body works requires an in-depth fundamental systems approach that integrates cell biology, biochemistry, immunology and nutrition as information is exponential but what is necessary to navigate has been simplified though the MedBalance- publishing Company.

Inspiration for Better Solutions, Health and World found at as a “think tank of ideas” with diversity of thought shaping the future and Global Landscape.

Medbalance App

Medbalance App is the application of the health and science knowledge that provides individualized solutions with your personalized input data combined with a data base of nutrition and nutrients needed for a better brain and body health for a better You.

MedBlance Labs

MedBlance Labs does what nobody else can do which is offer solutions based on not just what to take, but how much, absorption, transport and assimilation of the correct combinations of nutrients based on detailed pathways for better brain and body health.